A helping hand: basic information about short-term care
Flexible Hours, Services and Staff
Care is something we give, it is innate and it doesn’t take a degree to provide basic care for a loved one who needs it. The ability to take care of others is something we as humans have in our nature,. However, admit it or not, taking care of a loved one does tire us out. It takes a toll on our capacity and performance in the other fields of our lives. We can’t seem to find a balance with everything that’s going on in our lives but this is where short-term care comes in.
We all need a day off. Being a caregiver to a family member isn’t always easy and it burns us out—physically and emotionally. In caregiving we need to extend our patience and sometimes, overworking and not getting our deserved rest might cut our patience short. Through short term care you can enjoy days off and still ensure the health and safety of your loved one.
A leader in home healthcare services in New York City, Detty Home Care Services offers short-term supplemental care services or respite care. We give you the break you need away from caregiving. Whether you need to get away to recharge or just need short-term help managing health needs for yourself or someone else, respite services from Detty Home Care Service serves as a great solution that assures quality client care.
What Does Short-Term Supplemental Care Involve?
- Relief from caregiving so you’ll be able to take a day off, or a week or even a month to attend to your personal needs.
- Extra help that can educate you about medications or ways to handle the client and improve home safety
- Added companionship to enable the client to interact with other people
- Can serve as a chaperone when going on an appointment and can help run errands
- Provides assistance when recovering from an injury or illness
- Traveling companions when visiting other places
- Providing personal care to assist para-pelagic clients visiting New York City with no companion or aid
- Provides assistance when visiting New York to attend special events such as weddings, reunions or family graduations
Short-term care is designed for every caregiver because every caregiver needs a break. Care should be ongoing and constantly provided but in order to do so and to ensure quality performance, we as personal caregivers should also take a break. As caregivers we need help in taking care of our loved ones in order to spend time with ourselves. Detty Home Care Service is ready to provide you with the day off you deserve. To avail our services, contact us at 718-360-0636.